Peter Liese, Christian Ehler & Maria Spyraki: Good for the Climate / Pragmatic Approach Prevails in the End / No Obligation for Agriculture and No Restriction on Alternatives to Russian Gas

The European Parliament, along with the Commission and member states, reached an agreement on the reduction of methane, a climate-damaging gas. The proposal represents a compromise and is significantly more pragmatic than the original ideas of the Green Party's rapporteur, Jutta Paulus.

The environmental spokesperson Dr. Peter Liese along with colleagues Maria Spyraki and Dr. Christian Ehler, welcomed the outcome: “The regulation makes an important contribution to the reduction of climate-damaging methane, while the outcome is pragmatic because agriculture is initially exempted. Especially in the current phase, where food prices are rising, we must be extremely cautious about imposing burdens on agriculture. We also welcome that the rules for gas imports are flexible so that alternatives to Russian gas can continue to be used.”